How to Draw Twilight Sparkle
Step 1. Another pony lesson which means this is going to start the same way. Draw a circle for the head, and then make an egg shape for the body. Add one face guide and your done for now.
Step 2. Her straight stiff mane is a little different then what the other ponies wear for a style, but then again it makes her look great. Draw the bowl like shape and the straight cut bang. Draw in the first ear, and the back of the neck.
Step 3. Draw in the unicorn horn, and then draw out the profile of the face. The face is in a 3/4 view which means you will also need to draw out the left eye but not fully. Draw the bridge of the nose as well as the snout. Then make the lining for the beginning form of the eyes.
Step 4. The next thing we will do is draw in the shapes of her eyes, and then color in some pupils. Add lashes to the tops and bottoms of her eyes, and then draw in the stripes on her horn, and add some detailing in the ear as well. Add a nose, and then her mouth.
Step 5. Draw the front of her neck and then the chest. You will also need to draw out the first of four legs as well.
Step 6. Sketch out the rest of the back end of the pony's body and then begin the formation of the back leg. Draw the other front leg and then proceed on to step seven.
Step 7. Finish drawing out the back legs like you see here and then draw her very lined tail that sits high as an arch.
Step 8. Finish drawing out her mane which is close to her neck, and then draw in the stripes or strands on her mane and tail. Lastly, draw the six pointed star, and some smaller stars in between. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.
Step 9. Here is what your new drawing looks like and remember that this is the last pony for the day. I hope you liked this tutorial on how to draw Twilight Sparkle.